Letters to Our Children | May 2014
Boys! It's summer!Writing this letter on the seventh day of summer, with SO much fun already under our belt and a ton more to look forward to.Summer. It holds such an impact this go 'round...Blaison, I've watched you grow from my little fresh fifth grader to a more mature, strong, young man that has made his way to the beginnings of a sixth grader. I can't wait to see your long days spent with your little brothers, your endless amount of hours spent in the summer heat, bare feet and tan shoulders....taking in every ounce it has to offer you. Of course, this summer tugs at me a bit....it's possibly one of your last summers as my "little man". This time next year, your likely to be into so much more than running around playing hide and go seek in the dark or splashing around in the water with Kade and Kellan.Kade, oh Kade....you my dear are taking on summer like no other, naked...at least 90% of the time. But what can I say, your Kade and everyone knows how much you enjoy running around with not a thread of clothing on. This is your last few months at home with me. For the past three years, you and I have spent our days running around town, taking on new adventures...trips to the park and lots of play dates...we've both taken on learning a new baby in the house and have taken on the task of making Kellan's world the best it possibly can be. The thought of you going on to bigger and better things is such a bittersweet feeling. With all selfishness aside, I know you are over the moon about starting school and I can't wait for you to experience such a thing.
Kellan, my sweet Kellan. This summer, you turn one! I can't quite grasp how I've let these past months slip by me so quickly! As I sit here writing this to you, planning your first birthday, with thoughts of sweet cake, balloons, and teal ombre goodness, I can't help but think how excited I am for you to turn one. In a weird way, I feel like you deserve this. You are SUCH a one year old! So much happier and content with being able to do as you please. With this summer comes the excitement of you and I getting lots of alone time soon. As this summer comes to an end, your brothers will go to school and you and I will have that time alone that we have yet to spend together. You've been quite the trooper so far, keeping up with our crazy summer adventures with the best of them. I am so incredibly thankful to be able to watch you interact, play and learn from your two older brothers <3
To my sweet boys...Blaison, Kade, and Kellan. Keep soaking in the summer sun, loving each other to no end, and squeezing every ounce out of your days as you do. This is your childhood, the best of your days... hold on to them forever. I love you all as big as the summer sun,Mamma