Home Tour | Matty's Nursery
As some of you may know, I have an absolute love for designing spaces in our home....you may also know that we have moved three times in about five years. Crazy, I know?! Needless to say, it's been SO hard to fully design and decorate a space and be content with it's completion. And I'll just admit it, we are never there long enough to even dream of a finished space!About a year and a half ago, we started building our forever home and made the move into it around Thanksgiving of last year. With the holidays, birthdays, track season, summer...so on and so on...taking photos of our newly built home never made it's way into my crazy busy schedule.In the past month or so, the big boys are back in school and I find myself with Matty. At home. With way too much time on my hands. This is where the CTP "home tour" comes in. I figured it would a) give me the motivation to finish spaces...b) share all of my fun Pinterest projects (aka obsessions) with y'all....and c) give me some "work" to do since all of this nasty rain has pretty much put me out of business ;)First up is Matty's nursery! It's clean. It's neutral. It's beyond relaxing. It's perfect. When I first found out that Matty was on the way I knew exactly what I wanted his (or her) room to be. I knew I wanted something fresh and bright with mixed textures and lot's of whites. Kade and Kellan's nursery was fun and full of color and was "them" so I knew I couldn't pass it all down to the new baby...he'd need a space of his own and to me, this turned out to be the perfect space for the baby of the family.His room was already decently started for him before he was even thought about. His dresser and these shelves along with things like this DIY light canvas I made for Kade's nursery, stuffed animals from when his brothers were born, books that were signed by guests of previous baby showers, a Peter Pan "snow globe" Blaison bought at our first trip to disney when he was just a toddler himself...a jar of seashells from beach trips dating back several years, baby books, story books, a book from his great grandfather's office...SO many things that mean SO much were already making their mark in a nursery that wasn't even built.As the months went on, I slowly started adding to what he already had. With his furniture handed down for his big brothers (am I the only one that gets teary eyed at the though of all of my babies sleeping in the same crib?!) I started next with his bedding. I had been eyeing this Serena and Lily for a while and when I caught it on Zulily I grabbed it within minutes. The mix of different textures in his bedding is what I think I love most about it. From the quilted crib bumper down to the macrame skirt, I just swoon over it every single time!We also already has this rocker from when Kellan was born, which too fit perfectly in this space. I snagged it after we came home from the hospital with Kellan on clearance at Pottery Barn Kids and haven't looked back! Don't ask me why I thought ivory Belgian linen was the choice for a mom of boys...the word "clearance" will make any mom buy on impulse! Oddly enough, it has lasted three years with very little stains. It is still bright and clean....#countingmyblessings.Next up is the first BIG piece (aside from furniture) that I have ever purchased. This custom painting of one of my favorite quotes makes my mamma heart swell every time I read it. My friend Mandy truly did an amazing job and I'm so thankful I reached out to her for this. There's just something about a handprinted piece that speaks so many more volumes over something created on a computer and printed <3“I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart. I am never without it. Anywhere I go, you go, my dear." -E.E. Cummings If you follow me on Instagram, you know I have this odd drive to DIY when I get bored...when in reality I'm not bored at all. I actually have a ton to do but theres just something about a good DIY or craft that is good for my soul. It's one thing here and there than just fulfills a need in me. And my most recent urge to craft resulted in the. best. mobile for his room. I've always loved the handmade mobiles you see all over Etsy but just cannot bring myself to drop $75 to $100 on one. It's just not that important of a piece to me. I had been eyeing lots of paper crafted mobiles and decided one day that I could most certainly DIY my own. I knew boats. I wanted paper boats. I didn't want paper airplanes...because that's just too "in". And we live on the water, my husband loves to fish, we have a camp in Grand Isle...boats were the perfect fit. So there I was with a tutorial on how to fold origami boats, lots of computer paper, fishing line, two sticks from our yard and beads....two hours later and a gazillion paper boats on my island...houston, we had a mobile. And it was everything I could have imagined! AND it cost zero, nada, nothing out of my pocket #doublewin! My favorite thing about this little mobile is how the boats seemingly float above Matty's bed. When his ceiling fan is on, the wind catches them and they just drift around...so relaxing.Lastly, one of my favorite gifts ever. This sweet little sheep rocker from Pottery Barn Kids was given to Matty for his first birthday from his grandparents and once again, it's just perfect! So that's it. Matty's nursery all bundled up into one post.I feel like after photographing everything and getting the feel of this space as a reader there would be one thing I came to realize myself....that to me, "the perfect" space isn't at all about going to a store and buying the kit. It's not something that can happen overnight. Designing a space to have meaning and sentiment is about waiting for "the perfect" pieces to catch your eye and incorporating them into one another to come together seamlessly. It truly is a wait and cannot be forced. To give a space feeling and for it to be one of comfort, you must add things that truly mean something to you and your family. Adding old blankets or photographs, anything that brings you back to a time in your life that is not the present one is key. I truly feel that if a room is "built" over time and with patience it will be one you'll never want to part with <3Thanks so much for stopping in to peek at Matty's nursery! Below you will find links to items in his room :) paint color: BM Baby Fawn (walls), BM Edgecomb Grey at 50% (ceiling), BM White Dove (doors and trim)crib, shelves, dresser: PBK Kendall Collectionrocker: PBK Charleston in Belgian LinenDIY light canvas: Pinterest tutorialhandmade lamb: The Knotty Hookercustom woven tapestry: Sunwovenaccent pillow: West Elmwhale basket: PBK (discontinued)bedding: Serena and Lilyrug: World Market